Frequently Asked Questions

Can I buy equipment direct from you?

We exclusively distribute our products through a network of dependable suppliers in the United States, Canada, and around the world.



How do I order your products?

You should contact a local dealer. If you do not currently have a supplier, please contact us for a referral.



What if my dealer doesn't carry a product I need?

If your local dealer does not stock a particular product you need, they can still order any item that we carry. Please contact your dealer for pricing and availability.



May I apply to become a dealer?

If you are interested in becoming a dealer, contact us and we will send you a questionnaire regarding the nature of your business. When we receive your information it will be reviewed and a decision will be rendered.



What are the qualifications to be a distributor?

We take many things into consideration when approving new dealers. Among other qualifiers, we look at the number of dealers already in the area and the amount of product you expect to purchase.



What if I have a question not answered here or need further assistance?

We offer customer and technical support for all users of our product. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

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The Ultimate Numbering Machine Compnay
Billington Welding and Manufacturing
SGIA Member